Holiday Stress Busting

As the holidays gear up, it’s a time many people stress out trying to live up to the expectations. You deserve to enjoy the season, and those around you will enjoy it better if you do too. Here are 5 tips:

  1. Budget. Both your time and your money. Overspending now…pay for it later.
  2. Rethink your giving. Can you give time or experiences instead of stuff? Can you talk to those you usually gift to and cut back the exchanges?
  3. Plan low cost, high quality fun. Walk/drive and look at the lights. Go to one of the many free holiday events. Emphasis on one NOT all. Bake together.
  4. Talk with friends and family about their expectations. You might all actually want to do less or give less.
  5. Recognize this is a high stress period and take it easy. It’s also a season of loneliness, anxiety, and medical emergencies like heart attacks.

What will you be doing to enjoy the season and cut back on stress?

Red gift box with white bow

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