
Goals must be set if you’re to achieve the most. And they have to be the right goals to get you where you want to be. Preferably goals you care about.

Right now I went through the my weekly sheet I create each Sunday night to see what I’ve been meeting. Since my work is essentially freelance, and my classes are hybrid online classes, I have a lot of leeway as to when I can do thing.

The temptation of course is to put things off when they don’t have immediate deadlines. This is why prioritizations are more important. That’s why I mentally use the priority matrix. 4 Quadrants assigning Urgent or Not. Priority or Not. Items that are High Priority but Not Urgent are the most likely to get put off when they shouldn’t be.

Like most people I put Urgent events first and then take time from the high priority tasks that aren’t immediately on fire. BUT when I don’t get it done, I look at my schedule soon after I put it off and re-write it in a slot where I will likely get it done. Too many people just drop the entirely and regret it later wondering why they’re not achieving what they could.

Priority Matrix

So today, I’m learning about social media on HubSpot for my social media class despite having another month to do it, rather than unboxing the bathroom stuff from my move despite it being annoying. Only one will get me ahead in life though.

What priority goal have you put off because it’s not urgent?

If you’ve got one, schedule it now. If you don’t have one, then you should figure out what will get you moving forward and create one. Let me know how it goes please.

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